At Chanakya Research, we offer unmatched full range services for PhD Thesis, Synopsis and Journal paper blogger.comng from Topics and Proposal Consultation, Assistance for finalising structure of Thesis, Chapters Work, Editing and Statistics, at Chanakya Research, you can avail guidance for all stages of your doctoral journey However, from the analysis of over PhD theses, the average thesis length is between 80, and , words. A further analysis of PhD thesis shows the average number of pages to be In reality, the actual word count for each PhD thesis will depend on the specific subject and the university it is being hosted by PhD Thesis Paper The division a dream company of our visionary founder was established with a sole motive to increase intellectual contributions through research in various diversified fields to the blogger.com social perspective and need gap – Professionals academicians looking for guidance
by Dr. Max Lempriere Feb 12, Complete phd thesis this: your examiner has just spent a week reading your thesis yes — it takes that long!
Then they get to the conclusion and see that it is badly written. The contribution is left hanging. The report that they subsequently write for your viva questions whether the research is actually complete.
Awful, right? Well, it happens a lot. The conclusion is the last thing the examiner reads and has a lasting impact on how they see the whole thesis. In this guide, I explain to you in clear and simple terms how to write a superstar PhD thesis conclusion. One that really impresses your examiner and gives your thesis the send-off it deserves. There are lots of guides out there that explain how to write a PhD thesis conclusion, but few that explain how to write outstanding conclusions.
Complete phd thesis can see from your PhD Writing Template that a PhD conclusion should achieve six objectives:. Answer the research questions Show how you have addressed your aims and objectives Explain the significance and implications of your findings Explain the contribution the study makes Explain the limitations of the study Lay out questions for further research.
Think of reading a PhD thesis being like a journey. At the beginning, you — the author — are talking in speculative terms, particularly during your literature and theory work. You talk in terms of hypotheses and potentials, complete phd thesis.
As you go through the empirical chapters you begin to introduce a bit more certainty into your complete phd thesis. But — and this is the important bit — by the time you have reached the conclusion you have eliminated all uncertainty. As a result, you are now the expert in your field. You have scoped out the potential, jumped into the field and achieved your objectives. So, complete phd thesis, in the conclusion, start talking like an expert.
Showcase your expertise and show your examiner that you are worthy of being called Doctor. Well, answering the six questions above is imperative. But, most complete phd thesis, you need to really drive home the contribution that the thesis has made.
Regardless of whether you can see it or not, your thesis contributes something to the field. It might be a new methodology, complete phd thesis, a new application of theory onto an existing body of data or sample, or a contradiction of established ways of thinking.
Whatever it is, you need to shout about it. Like an expert. If you hesitate and remain vague, the examiner will see this. Sure, complete phd thesis, you might think that the research could have been better. Sure, you messed up that one experiment. Sure, you aimed to find one thing but ended up finding another. But focus on those shortcomings later, after you have told the reader about all the fantastic contributions you have made however small — and in fact, complete phd thesis, they will be small.
A conclusion that fails to relate the findings to the literature is an incomplete conclusion. You spent pages and pages neatly carving out a gap in the literature; the least you can do complete phd thesis show how your research fills that gap.
It talks complete phd thesis the thesis, not the detail. The time for detail is over. Now you take a step back and look at the entire project. Each chapter is a piece of the puzzle and only when they are all slotted together do you have an entire thesis. That means that a great conclusion is one that shows that the thesis is bigger than the sum of its individual chapters, complete phd thesis.
So, rather than get bogged down in detail, your job is to reflect back on your original aims and intentions complete phd thesis discuss them in terms of your findings and new expertise. It also means summarising your thesis in a way that is free of unnecessary detail and is easy to understand, complete phd thesis. Each week we send a short, thought-provoking email that will make you think differently about what it means to be a PhD student.
Each is designed to be read in thirty seconds and thought about all day. Somewhere in your conclusion, you need to have an executive summary of your entire thesis.
Our PhD writing template can help with this, as it forces you to write a synopsis of each chapter which you can add together for a summary of the thesis. If you have done your job properly in the empirical and discussion chapters, the reader will be familiar with your findings. A quick summary or recap of the findings is sufficient, not a lengthy restatement. The same is true with your theory framework or literature review.
The job of the conclusion then is to summarise and recap, not to introduce new material. It needs to go elsewhere, complete phd thesis. The conclusion will certainly talk back to your literature review or empirical data, in the sense that it will seek to fulfil certain objectives and address a gap in the literature.
The point is that you need to state your objectives and discuss the gap in the literature earlier in the thesis. You use the conclusion to relate the empirical findings to those objectives and to that gap. The literature review and theory framework lay out the objectives and aims of the research, whereas the conclusion discusses how you have met those objectives and aims.
It will neither lay out new objectives or aims using new literaturenor will it do the job of fulfilling those aims by presenting new empirical data. It will merely explain in clear terms how you have done those things elsewhere in the text. Remember earlier when we discussed not owning your research and speaking as an authority?
One way to fail at this is to over-generalise or to pretend that your thesis does more than it actually does. There is no shame in focusing in on a very specific contribution.
Instead, refer back to your literature review and relate it to other discussions and the gaps that you identified.
Did you run out of time? Did you struggle to recruit participants because of language barriers? These kinds of personal reflections are important, as they show humility and that you are aware of avenues for growth.
A conclusion that fails to explain the contribution, that fails to recap and that fails to focus on complete phd thesis entire thesis rather than the detail will leave the reader unsatisfied. The conclusion needs to wrap up the research. It needs to clearly state the answers to the research questions and lay out in clear, undisputed terms the contribution that you are making.
Be able to call yourself Doctor sooner with our five-star rated How to Write A PhD email-course. Learn everything your supervisor should have taught you about planning and completing a PhD. Now half price. Join hundreds of other students and become a better thesis writer, or your money back.
Your email address will not be published. Last impressions count — writing your PhD thesis conclusion by Dr. That means: last impressions count. Keep reading. This is not a normal blog subscription. Three things not to do in a conclusion 1, complete phd thesis.
Conclusion A conclusion that fails to explain the contribution, that fails to recap and that fails to focus on the entire thesis rather than the detail will leave the reader unsatisfied. Hello, Doctor…. LEARN MORE. Share this:.
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When I learnt how to write a theoretical framework. Categories Your PhD and Covid Mastering your theory and literature review chapters How to structure and write every chapter of the PhD How to stay motivated and productive Techniques to improve your writing and fluency Advice on maintaining good mental health Resources designed for non-native English speakers PhD Writing Template Explore our back-catalogue of motivational advice.
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