This essay provides a summary of Value Education. Prof. Kedar, Former Vice-Chancellor, Nagpur University, speaking at the Asian Educationalist’s Conference on Human Rights and Education held at Brahma Kumari’s Academy for a better world, warned that “There is no direct connection between values and technological blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Value based education is the crucial key to solving this crisis. It has the capacity to bring about the change in attitudes needed to ensure peace and sustainable development. The present paper talks about the meaning, need and ways for imparting value based education in schools. KEY WORDS: Value, Education, Need, blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins · Hence value based education is very important in any given system education because the benefits not only affect an individual but is rather felt by the whole society. Concisely, value based education plays a big role in shaping individuals behavior so that they can display good morals, interact with others well and act spiritual in all aspects of life
Importance of Value Education: Essay & Speech | Leverage Edu
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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. NEED FOR VALUE BASED EDUCATION. R Joshi. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper.
A short summary of this paper. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. Translate PDF. ABSTRACT A global crisis is facing the humanity at the dawn of the 21st century. Our current system of education has been based on the material and economic needs of an industrial model of society. The rate of change in the scientific, technical, economic, social and political arenas have been rapid and education has been challenged to keep up with the expansion of knowledge and societal needs, need for value based education essay.
There is increased evidence of a self-centered approach to life and there has been loss of a sense of purpose and increased hopelessness amongst children and youth, with many failing to find fulfilling lives, need for value based education essay, an increase in addictions, need for value based education essay and lawlessness.
Value based education is the crucial key to solving this crisis. It has the capacity to bring about the change in attitudes needed to ensure peace and sustainable development. The present paper talks about the meaning, need and ways for imparting value based education in schools. KEY WORDS: Value, Education, Need, Approaches. Thus, teachers have to look for new dynamic ways of teach- Sixteen years of the new millennium are already finished and we have grown ing to help students have value based education.
Values are abstract which can be older and wiser. A question that comes to mind is what is really important in life? approached in a very concrete way through storytelling and drama enacting. Is it to achieve success at all costs? No, we all seek happiness, and unless success Thus the teachers should make use of stories which help in creating social aware- gives us happiness, it's not the ultimate goal in life.
Thus values in education are ness and building emotional vocabulary. Storytelling and dramatization has a the virtues that make up a human being. By value based education we mean a pro- very strong emotional aspect because students experience a little of what the char- cess of inculcating moral, ethical, social and spiritual values among people. acters in the story are experiencing.
Through telling a range of stories the teacher Value education is essential for every individual but it is most important for a can help children to think need for value based education essay and recognize emotions in a safe and appropriate child.
It is because education plays a major role in building the character of a way. The stories can be based on specific themes related to syllabus or many over- child. Education based on values acts as a tool which helps in differentiating lapping themes like friendship, cooperation, need for value based education essay, honesty, environment conservation, between right and wrong and importance of failure, hard work and success.
The disability, relationship with parents etc Teachers, need for value based education essay, then can initiate the discus- greater the positivity in our values the greater will be the positivity in our actions. sion in different stages after the completion of certain parts of the story. Discus- Thus by imparting value based education we can enable students stand for certain sion makes the students think. This helps the students in judging what is right and eternal values such as truth, honesty, need for value based education essay, love for fellowmen and preservation of fam- what is wrong and thus prepares them for future realities of life.
ily values. This leads to an all round development of the personality from mental to physical and spiritual and thus makes students better and more cultured human Besides this even parents and the society outside have a role to play in developing being.
the value system of students. Generally the children need for value based education essay the behaviour of par- ents. If parents themselves demonstrate ideal values then child will automatically NEED FOR VALUE BASED EDUCATION acquire those values.
Thus teachers must strive to create a bonding between Education is a continuous and creative process. Its aim is to develop the capaci- school and home. Parents and teachers have to work hand in hand to create an ties latent in human nature and to coordinate their expression for the enrichment environment of encouragement, love and need for value based education essay so that every student grows up to and progress of the society by equipping children with spiritual, moral and mate- become an ideal member of the society.
rial knowledge. But today the primary focus of education is on providing mate- rial knowledge. Meaning that pres- The main reason for all the ills of the present day society is meaninglessness of ent day education system offers very few choices to students who have diverse education.
The need of the hour is not routine education but a meaningful educa- interests. If one wants to learn classical language at a higher level there are very tion conforming to the requirements of the present day society.
Today's education few institutions in the country. On the other hand, the number of engineering and system lays emphasis only on material aspects of life which is not the ultimate management colleges in the country is increasing day by day. This shows that aim of education. Schools, colleges and universities although tending more and there is a greater emphasis on certain kinds of knowledge which is associated more focus on market-oriented and measureable performance, should also with money making jobs.
Secondly the challenge that education is a search for remain aware of their fundamental and cultural vocation and responsibility. The efficiency and not the training of the integral person. This implies that modern teachers should help in developing not only the mental capabilities of students day education system churns out students who are highly qualified but are lack- but also develop major attributes of well balanced, happy and contributive per- ing in moral values.
Value based education will be successful when students realize the value of persons, irrespective of their qualifications, their position, or their pos- As a consequence of this the sole aim of students is limited to getting a job.
This is session. This will not only lead to academic excellence but also unfold student's leading to ugly competition, individualistic life style and an increase in greed and inner personality. violence, resulting in overall degeneration of values. Further the market driven education system is resulting in the lop-sided development of the children focus- REFERNCES ing excessively on cognitive development and ignoring the affective domain.
Awasthi, D. Value based Education is the only solution to the problem of Crisis Due to this the youth of today knows how to earn quick money, knowledge about of Moral Values among the youth of India.
Retrieved from: worldwide latest technological developments, smart phones, cars to latest online shopping journals. websites but hardly knows about respecting elders, community participation, 2. Gandhi, J. Experiences and Innovations: Value Education in City Montessori being patient, honest and living a happy life and a content life. School, Lucknow.
Retrieved from: www. APPROACH Need for value based education essay VALUE BASED EDUCATION 3. Jindal, J. Retrieved from: Today most schools in India include value education as a subject through school www.
While value education is important for children in schools the real 4. Why we must focus on value-based education. Retrieved aspect is how these values are taught by the teachers. Moreover values cannot be taught as ideal concepts. In this context, the 5. Paris, France: Author. This open-access article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4. APJ ABDUL KALAM By Dr. Alternatives to Instilling Discipline in Primary Schools during the Post-Corporal Punishment Era in Uganda By Denis Sekiwu.
Values for Social Development in the Context of Globalisation: By Denis Sekiwu. Download pdf. About Press Blog People Papers Job Board We're Hiring! Help Center Find new research papers in: Physics Chemistry Biology Health Sciences Ecology Earth Sciences Cognitive Science Mathematics Computer Science Terms Privacy Copyright Academia ©
The value of education essays
, time: 0:25Essay On Need Of Value Based Education
Value based education is the crucial key to solving this crisis. It has the capacity to bring about the change in attitudes needed to ensure peace and sustainable development. The present paper talks about the meaning, need and ways for imparting value based education in schools. KEY WORDS: Value, Education, Need, blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins · VALUE-BASED EDUCATION: A NEED OF TODAY In the present era of education assisted by ultramodern technology, we are inclined more towards knowledge and ranks in the examination than application of learning in our day-to-day life. Theodore Roosevelt warns, “To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” This essay provides a summary of Value Education. Prof. Kedar, Former Vice-Chancellor, Nagpur University, speaking at the Asian Educationalist’s Conference on Human Rights and Education held at Brahma Kumari’s Academy for a better world, warned that “There is no direct connection between values and technological blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
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