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Her investigation focuses on women personal stories who engaged with artistic practices to resist and criticize censorship and rigid societal rules under the Brazilian dictatorship She combines discursive and visual culture analysis when using art objects as triggers for memories related to dictatorial regimes.
Phd thesis biography research has a multidisciplinary approach encompassing memory and nostalgia theories from a cultural studies perspective, visual culture, feminism, media and postcolonial studies.
She is a member of the Feminist Media Studio, and GradProSkills communications assistant. She investigated the art production by Brazilian female artists as a tool for self-representation and to oppose rigid social moral values. She co-authored an article about private collections under museum administration in a case study of financial fraud. Pénélope Chandonnet is a first-year PhD student in Communication Studies.
Her main research interest centres on how girls participate and integrate popular culture in every day life. For her M. Thesis, she wanted to have a better understanding of the meaning that teenage girls give to a serialized fiction that addresses youth suicide, especially in the context of moral panic.
To do so, she focused on the series13 Reasons Why, which was followed by a polemic in the media after its arrival on Netflix. For her PhD Thesis, she is working under the supervision of Monika Gagnon, phd thesis biography.
Mengshu Chen obtained her BA and MA in communication at Tongji University, Shanghai, China, and works as a lecturer at the School of Journalism, Yunnan University, Kunming, China. She is currently in her third year of her PhD in communications studies at Concordia University. Her research interests centre around the intersection of journalistic practices and digital technology.
Her current research is an ethnographical research into the contested agency of newspaper journalists in China in their daily practices and their shifting role in relation to technological changes. Scott DeJong is a first year PhD student in Communication studies at Concordia University examining serious play, web literacy, and digital cultures.
His past work looked at educational game design and online echo chambers. Currently, he is investigating the role of social class within games, the simulation of politics within games, phd thesis biography, and relationships between age and technology. His work focuses on the role of play in mediating specific discourse and interactions between players and a system or object. He has written some posts around social class representations in games for the Class and Games research blog.
He also co-authored Social Justice Games: Building an Escape Room on Elder Abuse through Participatory Action Research and took a lead role in designing the game that the article discusses. Scott is an active member of the Ageing, Communication and Technologies ACT project, the TAG technoculture, Arts and Games Lab, Scaling liveness in Participatory experiences, the Algorithmic Media Observatory, and the mLab.
My research concerns the intersections of memory, archival photography, and landscape in the aftermath of urban displacement and redevelopment. Luciano is an experienced graphic designer and web developer having produced a number of interactive interfaces and digital platforms for data collection and visualization, semantic text editors, games, and websites.
Currently, he is a PhD phd thesis biography in Communication Studies at Concordia University. His academic background is in Media Studies and Digital Humanities, and my research explores the political and social implications of digital sensors, datafication, and hyper-nudges to understand how algorithmic mediation is mobilized to produce subjects and reorganize life.
Sarah Ganzon is a Phd student in Communication Studies at Concordia University. Her research revolves mostly around the areas of game studies and digital fandom.
Currently, she is writing her thesis on Japanese maiden games otome games in English, and their players. She holds an MA in English Literature from Cardiff University and a BA in English Studies from the University of the Philippines, Diliman. Prior to starting her doctorate, she taught courses in literature and the humanities at the University of the Philippines, University of Santo Tomas and Far Eastern University.
Nicholas Goberdhan is a first year PhD student in Communication Studies. Arseli Dokumaci. Drawing from years of community research, his central area of investigation is on the ways Black creatives mobilize clothing as a site resistance, and why it is often an overlooked, but central aspect to creative protest in expressing emotions and lived racial struggle, phd thesis biography.
Nicholas is also a Teaching Assistant, and Research Assistant for the Disability and Media Lab tentative name being established in the Communications Department. Alongside Concordia University, he is greatly involved in the art community and designs avant-garde clothing.
Fanny Gravel-Patry is a PhD candidate in the communication studies department at Concordia University. She studies feminist media practices, digital therapeutic cultures, and madness.
Her doctoral project, supported by FRQSC, looks at the ways women living with mental illness use Instagram as a tool for care. She has published about digital visual culture, affect, and care. You can follow her on Instagram phdwithcare where she shares her thoughts and experiences phd thesis biography a PhD student living with generalized anxiety, phd thesis biography. Felicity Tsering Chödron Hamer began amassing photographs at an early age. Perplexed by her own emotional relationship to these images, she ventures to understand the complex ways in which photographic portraits function as place marker for the absent, extending our relationships beyond physical death.
Within this context, Felicity examines the therapeutic potential of photography associated with death rituals phd thesis biography of Victorian-era Spirit Photography in particular. Other research interests include: memory and imagination through photography; emotional relationships to photographs; paranormal, supernatural, phd thesis biography, magical and miraculous imagery; and intersections of religion and photography.
Annie Harrisson is a researcher and visual artist with a background in illustration and graphic design. She holds an MA in East Asian Studies in which she researched Japanese manga historiography and manga aesthetics. Her current phd thesis biography focuses on the historical construction of the gamer as an imaginary.
Antonia Hernández is a media artist and SSHRC-supported PhD student. Using a dollhouse as her research device, she is looking at how domesticity and labor are entangled in amateur sexcams.
With a BA in Graphic Design and a MA in Media Studies, her professional work mixes media practice and theory, facilitating the communication of research projects. She is a founder member of MAT3RIAL, a collective of researchers, designers and developers.
Maya Hey is a Vanier scholar Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and PhD candidate in Communication Studies at Concordia University. She is also a Public Scholar with the School of Graduate Studies, aiming to bridge the gap between academic research, industry professionals, and media makers. Her doctoral research examines fermentation and feminist theory, particularly attending to questions of power, performativity, and material practice.
Her work experience spans chemistry labs, culinary kitchens, phd thesis biography, organic farms, and Trader Joe's, where she has garnered over 12 years of experience facilitating discussions around contemporary food issues.
She has developed an array of phd thesis biography projects with audiences ranging from pre-schoolers to health professionals and aims to engage the everyday eater with practical knowledge.
Eileen Mary Holowka is a writer and PhD candidate currently researching the intersections of social phd thesis biography and endometriosis. She has published on self-imaging, Instagram, online affective labour, chronic pain, and memes. In addition to his academic work, Michael is also a game designer, radio producer, and writer. To learn more about his work, visit: www. Shawn Suyong Yi Jones is a PhD candidate whose research examines the affective practices of queer East Asian men in Canada in relation to the consumption of gay pornography.
His research lies at the intersection of cultural, phd thesis biography, porn, and queer critical race studies, with a particular interest in affect theory. He is currently a contributor and coordinator for the Intersectionality Hub, phd thesis biography, as well as a research member of the Speculative Life cluster at the Milieux Institute, phd thesis biography.
He has presented at both international and national conferences, as well as published on topics such as censorship of pornography in East Asia, gay online pornography in South Korea and the role of pornography in Taiwanese and Korean gay saunas, phd thesis biography. You can find him on Twitter phd thesis biography. Katherine Kline's research is situated between relational psychoanalysis, and materialist ecological theory, exploring unique sites where psychic life and material worlds intersect.
These sites include, for example, the work of Wilhelm Reich, dendrophilia, and practices of mediumship.
Her supervisor is Peter van Wyck and she is a member of the Feminist Media Lab. Kline also works as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist phd thesis biography musician. His current focus is on exploring online toxicity through frames of online community governance, physical regionality as mediated through online game spaces, and overlapping game communities through phd thesis biography party platforms such as Twitch.
Elina Lex is an interdisciplinary researcher, phd thesis biography, media artist and PhD student in Communications Studies at Concordia University. Working across VR, ° video, phd thesis biography, sensory ethnography, interactive documentary, site-specific storytelling, phd thesis biography, and digital archives, she investigates how emergent digital media forms might transform the way cultural information, knowledge, and memory is expressed and exchanged.
Her current doctoral research-creation project explores applications of VR XR in the design of speculative archival interfaces and architectures, examining how they might produce new modalities of access and participation for diverse audiences and communities to share, preserve, phd thesis biography interpret cultural heritage material, phd thesis biography.
Her creative work can be found at: lexel. Caroline Martel is a PhD candidate in Communications Studies Concordia University, Montréal and a documentary filmmaker phd thesis biography in telling historical narratives that incorporate their research in experiential and experimental ways.
Her work has been presented to critical acclaim internationally TIFF, IDFA, Rotterdam, on SRC, NHK, and SVT, at MoMA and the Pompidou Centre and includes: Hold the Line NFB, 52 min. Martel was one of the featured guests at the 57th Robert Flaherty Seminar and the Global Visiting Scholar at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts Richmond, VA. Holding a BA in Communications and an MA in Media Studies from Concordia Universityshe remains dedicated to integrating theory and practice, and works under the supervision of Dr.
Charles Acland on the junction between moving images and technologies histories. She holds a BA in English and an MA in Cultural Studies with phd thesis biography specialization in Texts and Cultures from the University of Winnipeg Treaty 1.
Her doctoral project considers the specific verbal-visual affordances of the comics medium, explores how graphic texts are used to visually disrupt normative perspectives of stigmatized mental health conditions, and examines how comics readers engage with and respond to mental-health focused graphic narratives.
As an activist and advocate for mental health de-stigmatization, Amy is interested in examining how mental health-focused comics might contribute phd thesis biography critical pedagogies, and seeks to explore how graphic texts may enrich psychiatric treatment plans and systems of both self- and collective care. Amy is working under the supervision of Dr. Arseli Dokumaci, Canada Research Chair in Disability Studies and Media Technologies and the Coordinator of the forthcoming Access in the Making Lab.
Carly McAskill is a researcher, visual artist and teacher, phd thesis biography. She is passionate about the arts and culture, intergenerational pedagogies, research-creation, memory studies, motherline research, feminist pedagogy, arts-based methodology, storytelling, disability and age studies.
As a visual artist, Carly communicates through intricate mark making using mixed media, drawing, painting and collage, phd thesis biography. The multi-layered images in her work explore identity through meditation on place, time, presence, and inheritance.
Currently, Carly is completing her Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Studies at Concordia University. For the ACT Project, Carly is the Financial Officer and Student Representative on the Governing Board as well as a past researcher for the InterACTion intergenerational project. She is also a member of the Participatory Media cluster in the areas of Ageing and Media as well as Creative and Critical Disabilities with the Milieux institute. To find out more about her work please go to: www. My thesis research concerns popular memory, particularly in the context of knowledge transmission within social movements.
How do we know what we think we know about history, and how does this affect our worldview and actions? How do activist and political groups pass on their histories and how might these differ from perceptions of the wider public? I am also a research assistant on the SSHRC-funded project Indymedia 2. My other research interests include anarchist theory and methodologies and the political economy of postcapitalist futures.
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