Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Research paper assignment

Research paper assignment

research paper assignment

Research Paper Assignment Introduction You must prepare an article-length research paper on a topic relating to the concept of resilience. Your topic selection is subject to instructor. approval. The length for the body of the paper should be approximately pages Research Paper Assignment For this assignment, you will work as a team with three other classmates; your team must be formed by Friday Oct. 1 when Emily Wixson will provide an in class workshop on how to use the library resources, and how to use Microsoft Power Point software to prepare your presentation The Research Paper. There will come a time in most students' careers when they are assigned a research paper. Such an assignment often creates a great deal of unneeded anxiety in the student, which may result in procrastination and a feeling of confusion and inadequacy

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Virginia Montecino montecin gmu. htm Research Paper The goals of this assignment are to help you: become more knowledgeable about finding and using varied research sources in research paper assignment major. further develop your critical thinking skills and back up your points with evidence. become more adept at synthesizing information and developing informed views. discipline yourself to follow a scholarly research format to document in-text sources and a reference page bibliography.

compose a well organized, clear, conciseresearch paper to expand your knowledge on a subject in your major. Do not expect to get all of our resources off the Internet. Scholarly sources which reside on the Internet and are also in print in a scholarly journal are not considered Internet sources.

Many scholarly journals either do not publish on the Internet or have membership only access to journals online. I will not accept papers with only Web material as resources research paper assignment you convince me there is a valid reason. You may have to submit a request for some resources, so don't wait until the last minute. html : You will submit a research paper proposal.

Research paper assignment the due date for your proposal on the course schedule. Attach a copy of the final proposal to the end of the final version research paper assignment your research paper to be turned in with your portfolio. Research Paper: Your research paper must be your own work, research paper assignment.

htm guidelines. Topic: Your research paper project begins with a fact finding search on some current issue in your major research paper assignment advance your knowledge. After you brainstorm about possible subjects and then select one, narrow your topic down to a manageable issue, research paper assignment. Investigate possible approaches to your chosen topic and map out your strategy.

Your final product will be judged on how well you succeed in producing a well though out, clear paper which shows you can interpret and intelligently discuss the issue and how well you can backup your findings with evidence. Science and technology rapidly advances; therefore, "old "stuff," other than as background information, can be misleading and lead to wrong conclusions. Look for possible topics and background information in specialized encyclopedias, such as McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, Magill's Survey of Science: Life Science Series, Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine.

Encyclopedias should not be your main sources, but can give you good background information and clarify concepts, research paper assignment. If you are taking a course in your major this semester, you can research a topic for that course with my permission and the other professor's.

Approach: Research paper assignment paper does not have a chance to be substantive unless you research paper assignment substantive sources. Find 7 to 10 VARIED NOT all Internet sites, research paper assignment, for example sources - including professional journal articles and professional publications, Research paper assignment sources, research paper assignment, and possibly but not required an interview. Research paper assignment is a balancing act to find sources that you can understand - that relate to your level of study in your discipline, and, at the same time, challenge you intellectually.

In this paper I do not research paper assignment you to try and solve a problem or necessarily reach a conclusion. What I am looking for is evidence that you can gather a body of knowledge on a particular subject, narrow it down to a particular focus and show that you can synthesize the information and make some intelligent, insightful observations about the subject.

What I don 't want is just a regurgitation of information strung together. A significant part of the paper should be your interpretation of the information and how your knowledge about the subject has been enriched. Your paper should contain these parts: Introduction: Your introductory material should set up your topic for your audience. Briefly summarize your findings on the subject - If the sources disagree about the value of or perspective on the subject, point out the areas of disagreement.

Your introduction should not meander around the point of your paper. It may be more than one paragraph in length, but at some point, very early in the paper you then need to start the substance of the paper.

Your thesis should come at the end of your introductory material. State your thesis in the form of a sentence or two. It should not be in the form of a question. Your thesis should be a brief statement, in your own words, that points out the major issues about this topic that you discovered in your research.

If you can't articulate in a sentence or two what your main point is then you probably don't have a good idea of what you will be writing about. Body of Paper: Use subheadings, where appropriate, to separate different aspects of your paper which support your controlling idea your thesis.

The body of your paper should provide supporting evidence to support your thesis, in a logical, fully developed manner. For each new topic which supports your overall thesis, provide a topic sentence research paper assignment two which is, in effect, the thesis for that sub-topic.

If you do not use subheadings, you need to provide transition sentences to move your reader from one paragraph to the next. Your supporting sub-topics should address these issues: How will this knowledge advance science or technology or society - not in broad, abstract ways, but in concrete ways? What is the major impact of these findings? How will they affect people? What are the benefits to people? Are there any disadvantages? For example, if you are a research paper assignment major, you might summarize findings on various treatment options or recent research findings for a particular medical condition, research paper assignment.

A computer science major might address a particular technology breakthrough with its plusses and minuses in application. A writer of a research paper should synthesize the information gained from sources and weave them into a well ordered discourse, using the sources as evidence to support key points.

A paper which is just a string of quotes shows that the author made no attempt to come to grips with the subject and is relying on the sources to speak for her or him.

Conclusion: Your conclusion should make some "wrap up" statements about what you learned about your chosen topic and the possible impact of your findings on people and perhaps society in general. Also, research paper assignment, address any issues that may still not be resolved for you.

Don't be reluctant to address any issues that aren't easily resolved or have negative research paper assignment ambiguous outcomes. I am not necessarily looking for a neatly wrapped up research paper assignment with no loose ends. I am looking for a conscientious, thoughtful look at some topic in your field, sharing of the major significance of this issue, and any unanswered questions, if any, you are still dealing with. You will have to explain concepts and not expect your audience to understand in-house jargon.

If you are working on a paper in your major for another class this semester or on the job, we can negotiate the focus of your paper and the audience requirements. Have a target research paper assignment in mind. Who would be interested in and benefit from your treatment of the subject? By anticipating your audience you can anticipate the kinds of questions that may arise. Format: [ Web-based papers will approximate these guidelines, research paper assignment. If you want to use another one, research paper assignment, check with me.

Length - 5 to 7 double spaced pages of text not including graphics, cover page, appendices, or reference page. Ten "rambling" pages is not better than 7 clear, fully developed pages. Margins - 1 inch top, bottom, research paper assignment, right Cover Page - in APA style which should include your name, course research paper assignment section, date, my name.

The title should give your audience a good idea of what your paper is about - not tease your audience, research paper assignment. For example, a clear title might be: The Internet - Changing the Way Students Learn and Teachers Teach. Pagination: Put page numbers in top right hand corner of each page, including the cover page. Also include your last name and abbreviated title: Smith - Internet 2 Sources: Take notes on your sources and photocopy or print out original source material.

I may ask to see them. For long articles, photocopy the first page, the pages you quote from, and the reference page if there is one. Don't rely entirely on the Internet for sources. You will be required to do some of your research at a "real," not virtual, library. Much scholarly work and other valuable information still resides only in hard copy. Relying only on the Internet will give you a false impression of what is out there. Use a minimum of 7 varied and CURRENT sources at least three from the past year - for research paper assignment, journals in your major, Internet sources, interviews no textbooks, research paper assignment, please or encyclopedias - unless they are specialized encyclopedias in your field of study and you are using them for definitions of concepts.

Encyclopedia and similar sources should be in addition to the 7 minimum. Books often outdated by the time they get published are generally poor sources for scientific subjects except for background info. Trade magazines or special interest group sources have built in biases, but can have some valuable information, research paper assignment.

But, for example, if you are writing about the value of advertising on the Internet, a company whose product is Internet advertisements would probably not be an objective source, research paper assignment, but might be a good source for showing what is being done with Internet advertising. But you would have to point out the possible biased interest of the source. Check the source of all information for reliability.

Is the Internet site sanctioned by a reputable institution or organization? Does the person you interview have credentials and experienced with your subject?

Does research paper assignment or she have a built in bias you need to address in your paper? What biases of your own may you have to be aware of to produce a scholarly look at this subject? Documentation: Follow the online APA Style Guide latest version for documenting the sources in your text and your Reference Page.

If you are unsure about a particular source, we can discuss it. Use parenthetical citations citation information in research paper assignment between parenthesis for information that is someone's opinion and is not common knowledge. Give parenthetical citation information for quotation sand paraphrases. Include page number for direct quotes, research paper assignment. APA requires the date be included in in-text citations: As Smith stated, "magazines for the general public generally have less reliable evidence than scholarly or professional journals" p.

OR As Smith said, "magazines for the general public generally have less reliable information than scholarly or professional journals"research paper assignment, p. Paraphrased version: Magazines written for a lay audience tend to have less objective information than that found in scholarly publications Smith, NOTE: There are no quotation marks or page number for a paraphrase. Paraphrasing means restating in your own words the original author's EXACT meaning - not just rearranging words in the author's original text.

Dr Dan Article Critique Assignment Example

, time: 9:04

Writing a Research Paper // Purdue Writing Lab

research paper assignment

Research Paper Assignment Introduction You must prepare an article-length research paper on a topic relating to the concept of resilience. Your topic selection is subject to instructor. approval. The length for the body of the paper should be approximately pages Research Paper Assignment For this assignment, you will work as a team with three other classmates; your team must be formed by Friday Oct. 1 when Emily Wixson will provide an in class workshop on how to use the library resources, and how to use Microsoft Power Point software to prepare your presentation Research Paper The goals of this assignment are to help you: become more knowledgeable about finding and using varied research sources in your major. further develop your critical thinking skills and back up your points with evidence. become more adept

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